전체 글
(BERT) BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding 리뷰 (feat. SQuAD fine-tuning Code)
2022.07.12 by Matthew0633
(GPT) Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training 논문 리뷰
2022.07.09 by Matthew0633
Tensorflow Developer Certification 합격 후기 (Google Machine Learning Bootcamp 2022, 2022-07-06 기준)
2022.07.06 by Matthew0633
구글 머신러닝 부트캠프 웰컴 기프트 인증샷 (Google Machine Learning Bootcamp 2022)
2022.06.28 by Matthew0633
VScode - GitLab 연동 (SSH)
2022.05.30 by Matthew0633
Terminal 실행 시 Train Log 저장 및 실시간 출력 (save and stream)
2022.05.30 by Matthew0633
bash session 관리를 위한 tmux 사용법 정리
2022.05.30 by Matthew0633
Colab VScode 연동
2022.05.29 by Matthew0633