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쉽게 ppt로 정리한 밑바닥 딥러닝2 day 5 NLP 차원감소 동시발생 행렬 통계기반 기법
2021.03.01 by Matthew0633
쉬운 ppt - (word2vec 개선) Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality
2021.03.01 by Matthew0633
쉬운 ppt - (doc2vec) Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents
2021.03.01 by Matthew0633
쉬운 ppt - (fasttext) enriching word vectors with subword information
2021.01.13 by Matthew0633
쉬운 ppt - (word2vec) efficient estimation of word representations in vector space
2021.01.11 by Matthew0633
쉽게 ppt로 정리한 밑바닥 딥러닝1 day 4_3 good fit, batch normalization, 과적합(overfitting), weight decay
2021.01.09 by Matthew0633
쉽게 ppt로 정리한 밑바닥 딥러닝1 day 4_2 옵티마이저, sgd, adagrad, momentum, rmsprop, adam, xavier, he
2021.01.09 by Matthew0633
쉽게 ppt로 정리한 밑바닥 딥러닝1 day 4_1 layer 구현 - affine, softmaxloss, relu, sigmoid, 덧셈, 곱셈, backpropagation
2021.01.09 by Matthew0633